Naim and the World

Hello there!

I’m Naim.

I'm an engineer, musician, and adventurous soul born and raised in Antwerp, Belgium. I am currently exploring different parts of the world, and of myself, trying to learn more about both while working creatively and exploring new places and cultures.

Professionally, I was educated as an electrical engineer, specializing in signal processing and telecommunication. I hold a PhD degree in engineering and hearing sciences, researching how human hearing and hearing aids can be assessed more realistically through the creation of advanced auditory virtual realities. I have already worked extensively within the fields of signal processing, acoustics and telecommunication, in various roles during my career.

Beyond engineering, I've been a musician my entire life. I play the violin, piano, and bagpipes. Music is a vital component of who I am as a person and how I prefer to express myself, artistically as well as creatively. I'm always on the lookout for opportunities to play and collaborate.

Ultimately, I’m endlessly interested in the pursuits of people, and the stories they tell. It is my belief that by continuing to stay open to them, I might deepen my understanding of what it means to be alive.



R&D communication specialist

May 2021 - December 2024

In this multi-faceted and independent role, I interpreted and helped communicate technical hearing aid features to customers and the market. In addition, I implemented new ways to evaluate hearing aids inside virtual sound environments by making use of cutting-edge loudspeaker array technology.

  • Interdisciplinary collaborations with technical experts, spatial audio recording artists, acoustic and visual interior designers.
  • Software and hardware implementation of a 45-loudspeaker, Ambisonic spatial audio rendering system.
  • Highly agile and independent operational thinking, handling daily emerging new challenges in an integrated way.


Traveling the world

December 2021 - February 2023

A 15-month-long solo journey across four continents, carrying my violin. You can read about some of my experiences in the Stories section of this website.

  • Volunteering efforts in several countries and projects, related to creative expression and hospitality.
  • Participation in a wide range of music projects, endeavors of mindful intent, and explorations for personal growth.


PhD researcher

December 2017 - March 2021

Assessing hearing device benefit using virtual sound environments
In this project, I aimed to bridge the gap between laboratory-based tests and real-world performance of hearing aids and their applications. I made use of virtual sound environments (VSE) to evaluate the impact of various hearing-aid signal processing strategies, with particular focus on spatial processing algorithms. The research was carried out at the at the Technical University of Denmark.

  • 3-year research and development of novel models and evaluation strategies for the validation of hearing aids in VSEs
  • International collaboration with researchers worldwide, including in Sydney, Australia
  • Learning and dissemination opportunities in a rigorous, academic environment


Traveling the world

September 2016 - August 2017

An 11-month journey on my own through 18 countries around the globe, meeting countless people of all ethnicities, religions and backgrounds. I wrote stories throughout my trip that are accessible in the Stories section of this website.

  • Countless interactions with vastly different people, improving insights in general behaviors
  • Constantly dealing with challenging, unknown environments and circumstances, in an independent way
  • Making judgment calls/practical decisions on-the-fly, figuring out complex logistical problems


IP Quality Assurance Engineer

September 2016 - August 2017

Validation and quality assurance of the 7x50 SROS (Service Router Operating System) software, controlling the 7x50 service switches and routers that carry on third of the global internet traffic.

  • Testing of Enhanced Subscriber Management features
  • Researching effects of highly specialized feature combinations on the routing platform behavior
  • Scripted validation (TCL & Python) of interactions with the TCP/IP and OSI protocol suites

Private tutor Sciences, maths & violin

September 2008 - Now

Teaching a range of topics withing maths, physics, chemistry and computer science to high school and university students, for general improvement of understanding or preparation for specific trials and exams.
Pedagogic violin teaching to young children and adolescents.



MSc in Electrical Engineering - Magna Cum Laude

September 2007 - June 2012

A five-year civil engineering education at one of the most prestigious universities in Europ specializing in signal processing, telecommunication, and computer science. Participation in extracurricular activities, such as the University Symphony Orchestra, and the VTK student club.


Erasmus Exchange Year - ECTS: A

September 2010 - June 2011

A one-year exchange as part of the Erasmus program, to the Technical University of Denmark. Additional focus on Artificial Intelligence, Analog High-Frequent System Design and Computer Graphics. Participation in extracurricular activities, such as the BEST Engineering Competition, and the Polyteknisk Forening.




Tech & IT

  • OS: Windows (including Office), macOS, Ubuntu Linux
  • Scientific: MATLAB, SPSS, R
  • Web: HTML, CSS, SQL, PHP, content management platforms
  • Programming: Java / Javascript, Python, C++, Bash
  • Creative: Adobe Photoshop / Premiere / Audition, Inkscape


  • Excellent: Dutch (native), English
  • Very good: French, Swedish
  • Basic: German, Danish, Spanish


  • Running: 5k, 10k, half marathon
  • Sailing: Optimist & Laser class boat license
  • Others: Brazilian jiu-jitsu, tennis, archery, chess
